OSFO Merit Award nominations open

The Organisation of Sports Federations of Oceania (OSFO) are delighted to announced that nominations for the OSFO Merit Award have opened for another year.

Nominations for the OSFO Merit Award should be made based on the following criteria:

1. A Merit Award may be granted to a member of an affiliated Member Federation or Associate Member Federation who has rendered distinguished service to the Organisation of Sports Federations of Oceania (OSFO).

2. A Merit Award may be granted to a member of an affiliated Member Federation or Associate Member Federation who has rendered distinguished service to their chosen sport in the Oceania region.

3. The Awardee should have rendered distinguished service for a period of not less than eight (8) years.

4. A nomination in any year for a Merit Award shall be submitted to the OSFO Executive together with a written report outlining the services rendered by the nominee.

5. The OSFO Executive may submit nominations for the award of OSFO Merit Award.

6. OSFO Merit Awards will be awarded annually to no more than four (4) nominees across the sports in the Oceania region.

7. A Merit Award will be granted to the nominee if:

The nomination receives a two-third majority of votes cast at an OSFO Executive meeting in favour of the nomination, and is confirmed by a two-third majority of votes cast at the General Assembly.

8. A recipient of a Merit Award shall be awarded a badge of a design approved by the Association.

Nominations should be made via the below nomination form and submitted to Chet Gray via chet.gray@softball.org.au.

2020 OSFO Merit Award nomination form

Nominations close on Thursday 20 August, 2020.