There are numerous benefits of being a member of OSFO.
Currently OSFO members receive:
- Affiliation with a professional body that has been working in the Oceania sporting industry since 2006.
- The benefits of coordination and cooperation on sports federation programs throughout the Oceania region.
- Opportunities for collaboration and consultation when formulating strategic plans within the region.
- Promotion of members sports’ activities in the region on the OSFO website, social media, and other digital communications channels.
- Quarterly newsletter with relevant industry updates, as well as the opportunity to support your sports’ programs and activities in this same publication.
- The opportunity to nominate and be nominated for the OSFO Merit Award.
- Advocacy: ‘one voice’ for sports in the region.
- Education and training of coaches and officials through the Oceania Sports Education Program (OSEP).
- Advice, guidance and support to all member sports on a wide range of topics.
- Access to athlete well-being and engagement programs within the region.
- Opportunities for mentoring of athletes, administrators and coaches.
- Access to the Positive Edge Journal.
- Assistance in seeking and applying for additional funding available to sports federations.
- Promotions about events from the Pacific Games through to regional competitive events, as well as benchmark international competition such as World Championships and the Olympic and Commonwealth Games.
- Support surrounding the initiative of the continual absorption of Australian and New Zealand competitors at the Pacific Games.
- Regular communication with fellow member sports federations.
- Annual invitation to the OSFO AGM and General Assembly, including workshops run by both ONOC and the Pacific Games Council.
Future benefits that OSFO are working on introducing for members include:
- Membership certification / recognition program.
- Bulk buying power opportunities (e.g. insurance).
- Access to best-practice templates for various governance and operational functions required to run a regional sporting federation.